
Thursday, August 22, 2013

"Where feet may fail"

People say that you can see God in the simple things - a baby's smile, a beautiful sunrise, a lover's touch. And I believe that. But how do you come to know Him? When things were good, success abounding, I acknowledged God. I praised Him, gave Him the glory, all that good stuff we followers of Christ know we should do in times of plenty or want. Then when things were challenging, I continued to worship my God, to praise Him, to fix my eyes on Him and claim that He was all I needed, He was getting me through, and that He was the source of all my strength. But when things became unbearable, when the one thing I had placed above Him, the one thing I really believed I couldn't live without, the one thing that I had actually really placed my hope in, let me down, that's when I truly came to the end of myself and started to really see - and trust - God, to really know how magnificent and awesome and powerful and merciful He is. It's telling that, with so much else stripped away, I have come to know Him more intimately and that, after I've lost what many consider to be so much - that loss allowed by God - I trust Him more than I ever have. I'm still working on it, but the worship, the praise, the glory I give Him - they mean so much more to me now. He means so much more to me now. And my faith is stronger now than when "everything" was great. Interesting.

"You call me out upon the waters,
the great unknown where feet may fail.
And there I find You in the mystery,
in oceans deep, my faith will stand." Hillsong

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